Thursday, June 24, 2010


Reduce, Recycle, and Re-Use (Everything)
Switch to CFL light bulbs, and make the best use of the natural light in your home
Open the blinds
Start a compost pile and put all of your kitchen and yard waste in it. You will save
space in the landfill and get some great nutrient-rich soil for your garden or backyard.
Turn down the thermostat. Lowering it by just one degree can reduce heating energy
costs by about four percent.
Use ceiling fans in the summer AND winter. By reversing the direction of the blades, warm air is pushed down, helping to keep rooms warm in winter.
Conserve energy by purchasing major appliances with an Energy Star rating.
Repair leaky fixtures: one drop per second from a leaky faucet can waste as mush as 10 gallons of water each week.
Install low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets.
Instead of harsh chemicals, clean with vinegar, baking soda, and other more natural, less harsh chemicals.
Have plenty of living, green plants in your home to refresh the oxygen.
Eliminate waste by choosing products that are biodegradable or recyclable.
Use natural pest and rodent control products. And use natural and organic fertilizers and weed control products. Your family, pets, and lawn will be healthier


  1. सही है साहेब.. हरा भरा बना दे!!

  2. शुभ दीपावली,
    बेहतरीन लेख
